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  • Welcome to Only Mare News: A Fresh Perspective on Equestrian Journalism!

    Welcome to Only Mare News: A Fresh Perspective on Equestrian Journalism!

    Greetings, Equestrians! We are excited to launch Only Mare News, a platform designed to present news for our fellow citizens with utmost dedication and commitment. Our aim is to bring the true, raw, and real essence of news right at your hooves. At the heart of our news platform are three unique individuals – News…

  • Ponyville Under Siege: Timberwolf Invasion Results in Severe Damage and Injuries

    Ponyville Under Siege: Timberwolf Invasion Results in Severe Damage and Injuries

    In a harrowing turn of events, Ponyville came under attack from an unprecedented number of Timberwolves. Early reports suggest that approximately 300 of these magical creatures, if not more, descended upon the town, causing immense damage to properties and leaving many residents in a state of shock and distress. The structural damage across the town…

  • Timberwolf Invasion Troubles Ponyville; Elements of Harmony Step In

    Timberwolf Invasion Troubles Ponyville; Elements of Harmony Step In

    A rising number of Timberwolf invasions on the outskirts of Ponyville have begun to unsettle the usually tranquil town. Residents report increasing encounters with the mythical creatures, with some opting to leave town temporarily and stay with family in safer areas. The situation has brought about a call to action from community leaders, who are…

  • Unexpected Zap Apple Shortage Causes Concern

    Unexpected Zap Apple Shortage Causes Concern

    In a surprising turn of events, Equestria is currently experiencing a shortage of Zap apples following a low-yield harvest from Sweet Apple Acres, the largest Zap apple farm in the region. The farm’s usually robust crop of the magical apples has been noticeably smaller this season, sparking concerns among the community and cider enthusiasts across…

  • Las Pegasus’ Casino Boom: A Blessing or a Curse?

    Las Pegasus’ Casino Boom: A Blessing or a Curse?

    In the glitz and glamour of Las Pegasus, a surge in casino construction has occurred over the past year. Twelve new casinos, three of which are on the city’s iconic main strip, have been added to the skyline, sparking a tourism boom unlike any seen in recent years. Mayor Cloudkicker, in the wake of this…

  • Second Friendship Festival Set to be the Biggest Yet

    Second Friendship Festival Set to be the Biggest Yet

    In a city known for its grandeur and magic, Canterlot is about to get even more vibrant. The Second Friendship Festival is set to take place over the next two days, promising to be the largest celebration since the opening of Twilight’s Friendship School. More creatures than ever before will be in attendance, making this…

  • Discord Sighted on Southeast Equestrian Beaches; Residents Confused but Not Upset

    Discord Sighted on Southeast Equestrian Beaches; Residents Confused but Not Upset

    In a surprising yet not completely unexpected turn of events, Discord, the Spirit of Chaos, has made his presence known on the southeast beaches of Equestria. Residents of the beach communities reported a variety of strange happenings, from upside-down statues and houses rotated 180 degrees to spontaneous margaritas appearing in their hooves. One particularly surprised…

  • Advanced Thaumic Innovations’ New AT309 Outshines Competition in Latest Performance Benchmarks

    Advanced Thaumic Innovations’ New AT309 Outshines Competition in Latest Performance Benchmarks

    New results of MCC benchmarks are in, and the AT309 from Advanced Thaumic Innovations (ATI) is a promising force to be reckoned with. When compared with their last generation AT208 and Magik’s competing Mage 800, the AT309 excels by boasting an impressive 82% performance improvement on average in the widely recognized benchmarking tool, Magimark. The…

  • Princesses Sign ‘SAFE’ Act into Law: Aims to Boost Job Creation and Economic Stability

    Princesses Sign ‘SAFE’ Act into Law: Aims to Boost Job Creation and Economic Stability

    Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have signed a new declaration known as the ‘SAFE Act’, proposed by noble Upper Crust. This legislation aims to stimulate job creation and strengthen the value of the Bit, according to a joint statement released by the princesses. As per the released text from the initial proposal, the Royal Treasury…

  • Mystery Crime Spree Alarms Northern Towns: General Stores and Blacksmiths Targeted

    Mystery Crime Spree Alarms Northern Towns: General Stores and Blacksmiths Targeted

    A sudden escalation in crime has unsettled the northeastern rural towns of Hootbeat, Solograd, and Petershoof, prompting a high alert from the Royal Guard. The crime spree appears to be specifically targeting general stores and blacksmiths, raising eyebrows and creating unease in the region. These towns, positioned east of the Crystal Empire and north of…

  • Unscheduled Storm: Runaway Tornado Wreaks Havoc in Las Pegasus Residential Area

    Unscheduled Storm: Runaway Tornado Wreaks Havoc in Las Pegasus Residential Area

    In a shocking incident yesterday, an unscheduled tornado tore through a quiet residential area of Las Pegasus, leaving two citizens injured, several homes damaged, and the city in a state of surprise and concern. The tornado, an unfortunate outcome of a weather mishap, prompted an immediate apology and a promise for improvement from the Las…
